Jeffrey Kurland, costume designer for Inception, speaking recently to Clothes On Film, recounted the importance costumes play to the core theme of the movie,
Film Jackets is a site dedicated to one task; finding that jacket you saw on the screen, and getting it to you. On any search for a cinematic coat, it is my first stop, and usually my only. With nearly a hundred other styles available, the results for Levitt's wardrobe are a stark "Not Known".
One Google search later, and hope disappears again. Designer Jeffrey Kurland has neither studio site, nor online store. In fact, the only results turned up for any Inception inspired duds, were a handful of fan-made t-shirts over at Red Bubble, and a very nice upscale store in Toronto, featuring Kenneth Cole, Haight/Ashbury and Buffalo, that just so happens to share it's name with the film (and I'm sure is getting quite a bit of confused traffic such as myself).
While nothing officially reproduced may be on the racks online any time soon, most up-scale mens stores should be able to cater to the look you're after. Just tell them Gordo sent you.

Arthur’s character was a cab driver in this dream and Cobb’s character was a kidnapper/thug. To be true to the scene and convincing to Robert Fischer (Cillian Murphy’s character), they were dressed accordingly. Their leather jackets were different in fit and style but still kept a cohesive look respecting the architect and the dream.With attention to detail like that, it only seems logical that any fine dressing film buffs could buy a reproduction or two, and find themselves looking as sly as Mssr. Levitt. Not today, Mr. Spock.
Film Jackets is a site dedicated to one task; finding that jacket you saw on the screen, and getting it to you. On any search for a cinematic coat, it is my first stop, and usually my only. With nearly a hundred other styles available, the results for Levitt's wardrobe are a stark "Not Known".
One Google search later, and hope disappears again. Designer Jeffrey Kurland has neither studio site, nor online store. In fact, the only results turned up for any Inception inspired duds, were a handful of fan-made t-shirts over at Red Bubble, and a very nice upscale store in Toronto, featuring Kenneth Cole, Haight/Ashbury and Buffalo, that just so happens to share it's name with the film (and I'm sure is getting quite a bit of confused traffic such as myself).
While nothing officially reproduced may be on the racks online any time soon, most up-scale mens stores should be able to cater to the look you're after. Just tell them Gordo sent you.

Photo credit American Superstar
Clothes on Film
Clothes on Film