Friday, June 12, 2009

What more can be said?

For anyone who's a little new to the fashion scene, I'd like to take the opportunity now to introduce you to who could easily be considered the ultimate style guru to ever grace these inter-nets. We at Bloke and Fashion Me Fabulous swear by him, as not only does his taste never falter, he always finds a way to track down the most incredibly dressed people, not on the catwalks of Europe, but the streets of everyday cities and towns (well, so long as you consider Paris and New York everyday cities)... and more, is ballsy enough to walk up to them and take a photograph.

Anyone who's picked up a copy of GQ will be familiar with Scott Schuman, The Sartorialist, and frankly, you should be too.

Check him out at both his blog and over at

1 comment:

becca said...

I can never get enough of his website. I find so much inspiration there.